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St Barnabas, Joydens Wood,
St James, North Cray,
St John’s, Bexley, and St Mary’s, Bexley
The ancient parish church of St James, North Cray has been here as a focal point for the community through many lifetimes. We are facing a number of significant challenges with the church building, the most pressing of these are our lovely church spire and the church roof. If you value your parish church, and the part it plays in your community, please do consider making a donation to this work.
Please See here for details of how you can donate!
Link to our new online giving page: https://givealittle.co/campaigns/569e4fec-3e77-4d90-8a0a-94d0726a8974 Or use QR code.
Contributions to St James Church North Cray can be made in person, by cheque or by bank transfer
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Safeguarding in your Parish - who's who
Parish Safeguarding Officer: Alison Scrivener Contact: alison.scrivener@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Safeguarding Supervisor: David Stevens Contact: 07804 555892
Bothy Manager: Lynne Meads Contact: 07966 315518
Who will you talk to if you observe or are told about Safeguarding concerns? Rev. Sue Twynam or David Stevens
Like all Church of England churches, safeguarding and safer recruitment are paramount.The PCC are committed to ensuring that our Church and Bothy Hall are safe places for all who use them. For more detailed information and guidance click the Parish Safeguarding Handbook for details of our Safeguarding Officer please see Safeguarding at St James and for further information visit https://www.rochester.anglican.organd click on safeguarding. Produced by the National Safeguarding Team, it is a comprehensive guide, summarising the key areas a parish needs to address with regards to safeguarding. However, if you or someone you are concerned about is in immediate danger, please call the police on 999”
Parish Safeguarding - Past Review
If you are concerned about something you have experienced in a church, now or in the past, or you are worriedabout another person - perhaps a vulnerable adult or a child – there are people you can talk to and you will be taken seriously. You can contact the Diocese of Rochester’s Safeguarding team on 01634 560 000 or visit their webpage Click to read more
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As the associate priest in the Bexley Team for the past 4 years I am delighted to be able to take responsibility for the worship and pastoral care of St James Church.
I will work with the warden and PCC to ensure that the church is fully represented in the Bexley Team.
I can be contacted by; mobile phone on 07952468127 or email at setwynam@gmail.com
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"Welcome to St James Church, - the Church of England parish church serving North Cray. The church building is situated on the North Cray Road on the edge of the beautiful Footscray Meadows. There has been a place of worship on this site for many centuries, although much of the original building was restored in the nineteenth century. The church is well-loved in the North Cray community. For a map of the immediate area, please click here
There is one service each Sunday morning at 9.30am lasting about an hour. This is usually a service of Holy Communion, with hymns, bible readings and a talk which leads us into the sharing of the bread and wine of communion. On the second Sunday of each month there is an All-Age service at 9.30am, suitable for all ages with lively singing and a rather more informal atmosphere
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In August 2018, St James Church, North Cray became part of the Bexley Team partnering with the parish churches of St John's, Bexley, St Mary's, Bexley and St Barnabas, Joydens Wood.
Please do explore our website and visit our church here in North Cray where I know you will be given a warm welcome"
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