Bexley Team News
St Barnabas, Joydens Wood
St James, North Cray
St John the Evangelist, Bexley
St Mary the Virgin, Bexley
10th April 2022 Palm Sunday Issue 107
Team Services Palm Sunday
St. Mary’s 9.50 am Palm Sunday Liturgy and Procession from
hall to church
10.00 am Holy Communion with Liturgy of the Passion
St James 9.30 am All age worship
St Barnabas 10.45 am All age worship
St John’s 8.00 am Said Communion
10.00 am Sung Eucharist with Blessing of the Palms
For Team Services and Events over Holy Week and Easter please see below
Bible Readings Isaiah 50 v 4-9a Philippians 2 v5- 11 Luke 23 v1-49
The Collect for Palm Sunday Almighty and everlasting God, who in your tender love towards the human race sent your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ to take upon him our flesh and to suffer death upon the cross: grant that we may follow the example of his patience and humility, and also be made partakers of his resurrection; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit one God, now and for ever.
The Additional Collect: True and humble King, hailed by the crowd as Messiah, grant us the faith to know and love you, that we may be found beside you on the way to the cross, which is the path of glory.
Lent Course 2022. Thank you to those who were able to attended this years Lent Course, the leaders, coffee makers and St Mary’s for hosting.
Good Friday: Children and Young People from across the Team Ministry are invited to read and present symbols of the Good Friday Story at the 10.00 am Good Friday Family Service at St John's on 15th April. For more details please email Edward on
Save the Date - Erith Operatic are holding a summer concert at St Barnabas, Joydens Wood on the evening of Friday 1 July. The charge will be £10 a ticket. This is a joint fund-raiser for themselves, and for the new build at St Barnabas. Details to follow.
22nd April an outing to Pashley Manor Tulip Festival together with Joydens Wood Active Retirement Association (JOYARA). Departures 9.30/9.45 am return by 5.30 pm. £30 per person to include coach travel, entry and gratuities. Bookings / further information from Christine Rawlinson contact or 01322 525818 NOW FULLY BOOKED
- 30th April at 7.00 pm in the church a talk on Medieval St Mary’s and Medieval Bexley by Dr Cindy Wood, Senior Lecturer in Medieval History at Winchester University. Tickets £5 (inc. refreshments) from Sheila Thompson (01322 522071 or Barbara Graham 020 8308 0872
St James Save Our Spire fund. If you would like to donate to the St James Save Our Spire fund, we would be very grateful for cash or cheques made payable to James North Cray PCC, through Rev Ren.
Link to our new online giving page: Or use QR code.
The Oberammergau Passion Play and an escorted holiday in Austria
22nd – 29th June 2022 staying in 3* hotel in Imst, western Tyrol with one night in the village of Oberammergau and entry to the Passion Play. Fly Heathrow -> Munich. £1755 per person. For further details/ brochure please contact Clive
St John’s Sermons are posted each Sunday at
Social media – engage with us via Facebook (/stjohnsbexley, Twitter (@stjohnsbexley) and Instagram (@stjohnsbexley)
Rev’d Matt’s sermons are on a blog which can be found here
Bexley Team Ministry Churches Services & Events for Holy Week and Easter
Monday 11 April 7.00pm St John’s Bexley Compline
Tuesday 12 April 7.00pm St John’s Bexley Compline
Wednesday 13 April 10.00 am St Mary’s Bexley Holy Communion
7.00pm St John’s Bexley Compline
8.00pm Zoom Service for Holy Week (contact Team Rector for link)
Thursday 14 April MAUNDY THURSDAY
7.00 pm St Mary’s Bexley Bexley Team Communion
with light meal
Friday 15 April GOOD FRIDAY
8.30am St Barnabas Joydens Wood Reflection
10.00 am St John’s Bexley Family Service
10.00 am St Mary’s Bexley Service of the Word
10.00 am St James North Cray Reflection
2.00 pm Livestreamed Service (
Saturday 16 April HOLY SATURDAY
10.00 am St John’s Bexley Children's Easter Garden Activity
8.00 am St John’s Bexley Said Communion
8.30am St Mary’s Bexley Holy Communion (BCP)
9.30am St James North Cray Family Communion
10.00 am St John’s Bexley Sung Eucharist
10.00 am St Mary’s Bexley Holy Communion
10.45am St Barnabas, Joydens Wood Family Communion
3.00pm St James North Cray Forest Church for Easter