St Barnabas, Joydens Wood
St James, North Cray
St John the Evangelist, Bexley
St Mary the Virgin, Bexley
21st March 2021 Issue 53 The Fifth Sunday of Lent
Team Zoom and church worship for Holy Week and Easter
Team Zoom Services
10.00 am Palm Sunday, 7.30 pm Maundy Thursday, 10.00 am Good Friday, 10.00 am Easter Day.
St Mary’s open 10.00 am Palm Sunday Holy Communion
10.30 am Good Friday service of the word
10.00 am Easter Day Holy Communion
St James North Cray open for Individual prayer on Good Friday from 11am to 1pm
9.30 am Easter Communion on Easter Day.
St Barnabas open for Individual prayer on Good Friday from 11am to 1pm
10.45 am Easter Communion on Easter Day.
St John's, Bexley will shortly confirm their plans for reopening. Watch this space for more news.
Team Zoom Services and Worship material
Saturday 20th March at 5.30pm Saturday NightWatch Zoom Service
This short, informal service will include material to help us to reflect on the week that has past and will be suitable for all ages. Do have a candle ready to light.
Sunday 21stMarch at 10.00 am Sunday Zoom Service
A Service of bible readings and prayer. See the final sheet of the BTNews for the songs and any liturgy.
Invitations to the above Zoom services are being emailed. If you haven’t received the link, or are having problems, please contact any member of the Team Clergy. Dial in option is available.
Sunday 21st March Bexley Team Children’s Church
Throughout Lent we're going to be thinking a bit about some of the different parts of God's character.
Here is the link for Children's Church this week on forgiveness.
The Diocese of Rochester are producing material for children during lockdown.
All of the Ministry@Homesheetscan be found on the main Diocese website under
(under 18s) or click here. Diocese of Rochester | Family Worship in the Home (anglican.org)
Bible Readings Jeremiah 31, 31-34 John 12, 20-33
The Collect: Most merciful God, who by the death and resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ delivered and saved the world: grant that by faith in him who suffered on the cross we may triumph in the power of his victory; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
The Additional Collect: Gracious Father, you gave up your Son out of love for the world: lead us to ponder the mysteries of his passion, that we may know eternal peace through the shedding of our Saviours blood, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Rev’d Ren writes-
Census Day today! There has been some debate about how people might describe their religious affiliation – if they have any! In the United States an abbreviation has been used to help people define their faith, but it’s not used in the UK. The term is: - ‘SBNR’ sounds like a Railway company doesn’t it! SBNR means ‘spiritual but not religious.’ It is used as a definition of those open to a broad understanding of spirituality but who don’t connect with any religious organisation. SBNR includes people seeking a sense of mystery, curious about the divine, pondering about God but who haven’t found those searchings satisfied by traditional religions.
They remind me of the Greeks in today’s passage. The Greeks don’t come to Philip asking for facts about Jesus. They don’t inquire about an Alpha course or offer to join the coffee rota. They don’t request a formal statement of beliefs before joining, or a quick glance at the mission plan. They simply want to see Jesus.
So here is a question for us: If those Greeks were to come to our church communities today, would they find what they were looking for? We’d like to think they would find open, friendly, charming and altogether wonderful people... but... JESUS? What Jesus?
What does the Church have to say to people longing for a sense of meaning and connection in their lives? |
We therefore have what might be described as ‘a culture clash’. Add to that the
changes wrought by the pandemic, the suspension of usual worship, and
introduction of Zoom and live streamed services, and we might wonder what
the Institution of the Church actually does have to say to people longing for a
sense of meaning and connection in their lives, people who really do, though
they may not actually be able to articulate it, want to see Jesus.
Now, we don’t know whether these Greeks actually got their wish. John is unclear
about that. What John is clear about, however, is the kind of Jesus they – and we – will see if we really look. Note that, on hearing their request, Jesus immediately looks ahead to the cross. The hour he speaks about, the glory he prays for, the fulfilment of his mission and destiny he anticipates – all these revolve around the cross, his obedient embrace of sacrificial love unto death.
The point of faith in Jesus isn’t scratching a spiritual itch. The point of following Jesus is that we are drawn more deeply into the kingdom of God through our love for, service to, and sacrifice on behalf of those around us. Jesus demonstrates God’s strength through vulnerability, God’s power through what seems weak in the world’s eyes, and God’s justice through love, mercy and forgiveness. And he calls those who would follow him to the same kind of life and love. Is this the Jesus the Greeks want to see? Is it the Jesus we want to see?
Because it’s a very uncomfortable Jesus this. But it is the real Jesus!
The Jesus who reveals the heart of our loving God by going to the cross, is the Jesus we get when we truly seek him. The Jesus who is raised again on the third day to demonstrate that love is more powerful than hate, and life more powerful than death, is the Jesus we are called to follow. This is the one who made the amazing promise: - “...when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all people to myself.’
Lent for the Bexley Team
During Lent, for those who value a daily resource, we encourage you to access the Church of England Live Lent material. You can sign up to this very simply by following this link #LiveLent: God's Story, Our Story - our Lent reflections | The Church of England or alternatively you can use this link which takes you to the same place. https://www.churchofengland.org/our-faith/what-we-believe/lent-holy-week-and-easter/livelent-gods-story-our-story-our-lentWe have aimed to provide a paper copy of this for those who do not have access to the internet. WE STILL HAVE A FEW OF THESE – CONTACT REN IF YOU WOULD LIKE ONE.
Final Session of our Weekly Lent Course – Women in the Shadows
Please download the course material, watch the video and engage with the material at a time which is convenient to you. We will then all come together on Thursday evening at 7.30 pm to discuss the issues it raises for us. Zoom login details have been circulated.
How to download the material Go onto -theclewerinitiative.org Click onto the course – women in the shadows Scroll down until you reach the “download for the complete course” click onto this and save the course onto your device.
Week 5. 25th March 7.30pm – Beyond Survival
A prayer for women in the shadows- Holy God, who called Elizabeth and Mary to be bearers of new life, and key partners in the unveiling of your coming kingdom, we pray for women and girls who are receiving false promises and facing degrading exploitation. Inspire your church to discover how best to bring healing, help and hope wherever women and girls are demeaned, so that your call to fulfilment may be heard and your desire for human flourishing may be more fully pursued. Give us insight, wisdom, courage and grace – to be bearers of your new life amidst so much suffering and despair. We make our prayer through Jesus, our Saviour. Amen (from theclewerinitative.org)
Since the first UK Covid-19 lockdown began in 2020, millions have been
bereaved.  The National Day of Reflection on Tuesday 23 March, (coordinated by the charity Marie Curie and officially supported by the Church of England,)
is a special day to reflect on collective loss and grief.
View prayers for the Day of Reflection recorded by Rev Ren on
Clive will be leading a holiday to Austria and Oberammergau including the Passion Play 22-29 June 2022. If you would like a hard or e-copy of the holiday/pilgrimage brochure please let Clive know.
For St Barnabas Any contributions can be dropped off at the Treasurer’s house (during your daily walk) or at the Vicarage. Or you can give by BACS transfer. In all cases, if you are a taxpayer please “Gift Aid” your giving. If you have any questions regarding this please contact, David Peters on 01322 529796 or by email to davidpeters45@hotmail.co.uk
For St James, North Cray Contributions can be dropped off at 91 The Grove, or made by BACS transfer, contact Suzy Higgs on 07799072548
For St John's You can give to the continuing upkeep and ministry of St John's via our Just Giving page: www.justgiving.com/stjohntheevangelist-bexley
For St Mary’s If you ordinarily make your financial contributions in church but, in the present circumstances, wish to contribute by cheque then please make your cheque payable to St Mary’s Bexley PCC and send it c/o C. Lee 11 Holmesdale Road, Bexleyheath, DA7 4TJ. Your continued support is very much appreciated.
Each week the musicians at St James North Cray offer links to a selection of songs and music for us to enjoy. These can be found on our website www.stjamesnorthcray.org.uk/welcome/music/
St John’s Livestreamed Holy Communion at 10.00 am on Sundays at www.facebook.com/stjohnsbexley The service continues to be available after the event and you don't need to have a Facebook account to watch. Sermons are posted each Sunday at fatheredwardbarlow.wordpress.com. Media - engage with us via Facebook (/stjohnsbexley), Twitter (@stjohnsbexley) and Instagram (@stjohnsbexley)
St. Mary’s We are in need of a DBS Lead Recruiter. This isn’t onerous- if this is something you might like to take up please contact Clive for further information.
Team Rector: Rev’d Ren Harding renharding@hotmail.co.uk 01322 528923 07836644782
Associate Priest: Rev’d Sue Twynam susantwynam@btconnect.com 01322 559501 07952 468127
Team Vicar: Rev’d Edward Barlow fr.edwardbarlow@gmail.com 01322 521786
Team Vicar: Rev’d Clive Wood revclivewood@gmail.com 01322 270942 07982 392809
Team Curate: Rev’d Matt Hodder matthodder10@gmail.com 07889873125
Songs for Zoom Worship – Sunday 21stMarch at 10.00 am.
Meekness and majesty,
manhood and deity,
In perfect harmony the Man who is God.
Lord of eternity dwells in humanity,
Kneels in humility and washes our feet.
O what a mystery,meekness and majesty.
Bow down and worship for this is your God,
this is your God.
Father's pure radiance,
perfect in innocence,
Yet learns obedience to death on a cross.
Suff’ring to give us life,
conqu’ring through sacrifice,
and as they crucify prays:‘Father forgive.’
O what a mystery...
Wisdom unsearchable,
God the invisible,
love indestructible in frailty appears.
Lord of infinity, stooping so tenderly,
Lifts our humanity to the heights of His throne.
O what a mystery...
Graham Kendrick
Christ triumphant, ever reigning,
Saviour, Master, King.
Lord of heav’n, our lives sustaining,
hear us as we sing:
Yours the glory and the crown,
the high renown, th’eternal name.
Word incarnate, truth revealing,
Son of Man on earth!
Power and majesty concealing
by your humble birth:
Yours the glory...
Suff’ring servant, scorned, ill - treated,
victim crucified!
Death is through the cross defeated,
sinners justified:
Yours the glory...
Priestly king, enthroned for ever
high in heav’n above!
Sin and death and hell shall never
stifle hymns of love:
Yours the glory...
So, our hearts and voices raising
through the ages long,
ceaselessly upon you gazing,
this shall be our song:
Yours the glory...
Michael Saward