Bexley Team Ministry News for Sunday 23rd May 2021




Bexley Team News

St Barnabas, Joydens Wood

St James, North Cray

St John the Evangelist, Bexley

St Mary the Virgin, Bexley


23rdMay 2021                     Issue 62                                                        Pentecost (Whit Sunday)


The church buildings will have been thoroughly cleaned. As usual, face-masks MUST be worn (unless medically exempt) hand sanitiser will be used and social distancing of 2 Metres MUST be observed at all times. Do not attend if you or a member of your household is shielding or vulnerable.  The church doors will be open for ventilation, so dress accordingly.



St Mary’s          10.00 am   Family Service

                         3.30 pm Holy Communion

                        Wednesday 10.00 am Holy Communion

St James           9.30am Holy Communion


St Barnabas      10.45amHoly Communion

                         4.00 pm   Sunday @ 4

St John’s            8.00 am Holy Communion

                          10.00 am Holy Communion

                          Friday 10.00 am  Livestreamed Holy Communion:


                                                                  Team Zoom Services and Worship material

Saturday 22nd  May at 5.30 pm                                                            Saturday Nightwatch Zoom Service


Sunday 23rd May at 10.00 am                                                                               Sunday Zoom Service

A Service of bible readings and prayer. See the final sheet of the BTNews for the songs. Invitations to the above Zoom services are being emailed. If you haven’t received the link, or are having problems, please contact any member of the Team Clergy. Dial in option is available.


Sunday 23rd May                                                                                                Bexley Team Children’s Church

Children’s Church is available every week on our YouTube Children's Church Playlist or this week is at

The Diocese ofRochester are producingmaterial for children during lockdown.

All of the Ministry@Homesheetscan be found on the main Diocese website under

 (under 18s) or click here. Diocese of Rochester | Family Worship in the Home (


Bible Readings  Acts  2, v1-21 Romans 8, 22-27    John 15  v26-27 ; 16 v4b-15                  

The Collect: God, who as at this time taught the hearts of your faithful people by sending to them the light of your Holy Spirit: grant us by the same Spirit to have a right judgement in all things and evermore to rejoice in his holy comfort; through the merits of Christ Jesus our Saviour, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

The Additional Collect Holy Spirit, sent by the Father, ignite in us your holy fire; strengthen your children with the gift of faith, revive your church with the breath of love, and renew the face of the earth, through Jesus Christ our Lord.




Rev’d Suewrites-

In our reading from John this week, we have two opposing sides; those who abide in love with Jesus and whose who oppose what Jesus represents. If we look around our world it is a reoccurring theme.

However much we fight for good stewardship of our creation we see our planet being swamped with plastic to the detriment of local communities, and wildlife whether on land in the sea or in the air.

However much we proclaim a message of peace we still see people suffering untold hardship in war torn areas of our world. However much we work to highlight the injustices in our world we still see homeless people on our street, children living in poverty and families living in substandard homes.


Sometimes it all seems so hopeless and yet on this weekend of Pentecost we are reminded that the Holy Spirit has come to help us, to shine a light on these problems and to open the eyes of all people, especially those who don’t want to see. We all need to see our world from the perspective of God, to see what he sees!

The Holy Spirit is sent for the whole of creation, to show us what is wrong, to convict, to reprove the world of the sinful things which go on at a human level. So often it looks as if sin has triumphed, just as Jesus’ death initially appeared that way but of course through his resurrection and ascension we know that not to be true. Jesus lived for a specific time and place, the Holy Spirit is sent for all times and all places. He is here to guide us “into all truth” and as disciples of Christ it is our task to speak to the truth of each situation, to reach out, to touch the lives of others and to stop the progress of sin.

This is a daunting task but we don’t do it alone, we do it in the power and the strength of the Holy Spirit, a Spirit which never levels us, which will stay with us until the task is completed, a time when there are no opposing sides only the whole of humanity working in step to create a world which does complete justice to God’s creation.

Let us think this weekend of places which we want to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Come Holy Spirit, convince the world of sin, righteousness and judgement and guide us into all truth. Amen.


Rosie.  Rosie’s funeral service is at 1.00 pm on Tuesday 25th May at Woking Crematorium.  If you wish to attend or join the webcast please contact Revd Edward or Revd Clive for further details. The family have asked that any donations in Rosie’s memory be made to the Parkinson’s Society. Rosie Fyfe RIP


Pilgrimage: Clive will be leading a holiday to Austria and Oberammergau including the Passion Play 22-29 June 2022. If you would like a hard or e-copy of the holiday/pilgrimage brochure please let Clive know.


For St Barnabas Any contributions can be dropped off at the Treasurer’s house or at the Vicarage. Or you can give by BACS transfer. In all cases, if you are a taxpayer please “Gift Aid” your giving.  If you have any questions regarding this please contact, David Peters on 01322 529796 or by email

For St James, North Cray Contributions can be dropped off at 91 The Grove, or made by BACS transfer, contact Suzy Higgs on 07799072548.Please make cheques payable to St James, North Cray PCC.

For St John's   You can give to the continuing upkeep and ministry of St John's via our Just Giving page:

For St Mary’s  If you ordinarily make your financial contributions in church but, in the present circumstances, wish to contribute by cheque then please make your cheque payable to St Mary’s Bexley PCC and send it c/o C. Lee 11 Holmesdale Road, Bexleyheath, DA7 4TJ. Your continued support is very much appreciated.


Each week the musicians at St James North Cray offer links to a selection of songs and music for us to enjoy. These can be found on our website


St John’s Sermons are posted each Sunday at fatheredwardbarlow.wordpress.comSocial Media - engage with us via Facebook (/stjohnsbexley), Twitter (@stjohnsbexley) and Instagram (@stjohnsbexley)



Team Rector: Rev’d Ren Harding                 01322 528923 07836644782

Associate Priest: Rev’d Sue Twynam            01322 559501 07952 468127

Team Vicar: Rev’d Edward Barlow                        01322 521786

Team Vicar: Rev’d Clive Wood                  01322 270942 07982 392809

Team Curate: Rev’d Matt Hodder                07889873125



Songs for Zoom Worship – Sunday at 10.00 am.


Come down, O love divine,

 seek thou this soul of mine,
and visit it with thine own ardour glowing;
O Comforter, draw near,

within my heart appear,
and kindle it, thy holy flame bestowing.

O let it freely burn,

till earthly passions turn
to dust and ashes in its heat consuming;
and let thy glorious light

shine ever on my sight,
and clothe me round, the while my path illuming.

Let holy charity

mine  outward vesture be,
and lowliness become mine inner clothing;
true lowliness of heart,

which takes the humbler part,
and o’er its own shortcomings weeps

with loathing.

And so the yearning strong,

with which the soul will long,
shall far outpass the pow’r of human telling;
nor  can we guess its grace,

till we become the place
wherein the Holy Spirit makes his dwelling.


Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me
Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me
Melt me, mould me, fill me, use me
Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me



Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on us
Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on us
Melt us, mould us, fill us, use us
Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on us


Father, Lord of all creation,
ground of Being, Life and Love;
height and depth beyond description,
only life in you can prove:
You are mortal life's dependence:
thought, speech, sight are ours by grace;
yours is every hour's existence,
sovereign Lord of time and space.


Jesus Christ, the Man for Others
we, your people, make our prayer
help us love, as sisters, brothers
all whose burdens we can share.
Where your name binds us together
you, Lord Christ, will surely be
where no selfishness can sever
there you love the world may see.


Holy Spirit, rushing, burning
wind and flame of Pentecost
fire our hearts afresh with yearning
to regain what we have lost.
May your love unite our action,
never more to speak alone:
God, in us, abolish faction,
God, through us, your love make known.



Page last updated: Sunday 23rd May 2021 2:41 PM
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