Bexley Team News
St Barnabas, Joydens Wood
St James, North Cray
St John the Evangelist, Bexley
St Mary the Virgin, Bexley
7th November 2021 Issue 86 Third Sunday before Advent
St. Mary’s 8.30 am BCP Holy Communion
10.00 am Holy Communion
Wednesday 10.00 am Holy Communion
St James 9.30am BCP Holy communion followed by a procession to the Geoffrey Hall Scout Headquarters for a display of war-time stories and memorabilia |
St Barnabas 10.45am Holy Communion/ Service of the word
4.00 pm Confirmation enquirers meeting
St John’s 8.00 am Holy Communion
10.00 am Family Communion
3.00 pm All Souls Memorial Service
followed by refreshments
Friday at 9.00 am Livestreamed Requiem Service, also available to view after.
Sunday 7th November 9.00 am Team Zoom Service |
Children’s Church This is our 31st and final edition of Children's Church. We started our videos in January 2021, when we were unable to meet in person. Now that we are able to meet more easily, and with Advent and Christmas approaching, we're taking an indefinite break with Children's Church to help us focus on other offerings for children and families. We want to say a HUGE thank you to all who have helped over the last year; whether that's been through crafts or prayers, talks or stories, it has been a great offering for our church community and we couldn't have done it without you.
Saturday 6th November 5.30 pm Nightwatch Zoom Service
St John’s Toddler Church is back – Friday’s at 2.00 pm
Rev’d Matt is now putting his sermons on a blog which
can be found here https://revmatthodder.blogspot.com/
Zoom Services - we are introducing some new songs! If
you would like to hear them visit the St James website
and follow the link https://www.stjamesnorthcray.org.uk/
Bible Readings Jonah 3. 1-5, 10 Hebrews 9. v24-28 Mark 1. v. 14-20
The Additional Collect: God, our refuge and strength, bring near the day when wars shall cease and poverty and pain shall end, that earth may know the peace of heaven through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Considering Confirmation? A meeting for all thoseinterested in being confirmed is being held this Sunday 7th November at 4.00 pm at St Barnabas Church, Joydens Wood. For further information or to indicate attendance please speak with any of the Team clergy.
Forthcoming Events
North Cray community’s Festival of Remembrance this Sunday 7thNovember. Programme - 9.30 am BCP Holy Communion at St James, followed by a parade from the War Memorial to the Scouts’ Geoffrey Hall, Leafield Lane, North Cray where there will be a display of stories and memorabilia.
Bexley Team Walking Group to Lesnes Abbey and back (Martyr Level): Saturday 13th November, leaving St John's at 9.30am. Please email fr.edwardbarlow@gmail.com if you intend to attend as we will need to book a lunch venue
Douze Noëls Harp Recital: 7pm Saturday 27th November at St John's. Further publicity to follow.
Christmas Craft Fair Saturday 13th November 10 am – 4 pm St Andrews Church, Paddock Wood. Craft, homeware, food, gifts, Christmas cards, refreshments. Please contact chrisawood2003@yahoo.com for lift.
Friends of St Mary’s Christmas Bazaar Saturday 4th December 11 am – 2 pm St Mary’s Hall, Manor Road. Cakes and preserves, tombola, knitted blankets, scarves and toys, refreshments and hot lunches.
Bexley Winter Shelter: Volunteers Wanted!:As with the 2021 season, Bexley Winter Shelter will be providing guests with individual accommodation for the 2022 season, however they will be able to bring guests together for communal meals and will require volunteers from churches and the community to facilitate this. To register interest or for further details, please email volunteer@bexleywintershelter.org.uk.
Christian Stewardship
For St Barnabas Any contributions can be dropped off at the Treasurer’s house or at the Vicarage. Or you can give by BACS transfer. In all cases, if you are a taxpayer, please ‘Gift Aid’ your giving. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact David Peters on 01322 529796 or email davidpeters45@hotmail.co.uk
For St James, North Cray Contributions can be dropped off at 91 The Grove, or made by BACS transfer, contact Suzy Higgs on 07799072548. Please make cheques payable to St James, North Cray PCC. Please see St James Website for details
For St John’s You can give to the continuing upkeep and ministry of St John’s via our Just Giving page:www.justgving.com/stjohntheevangelist-bexley
For St Mary’s If you ordinarily make your financial contributions in church, but in the present circumstances wish to contribute by cheque then please make your cheque payable to St Mary’s Bexley PCC and send it,
c/o C Lee 11 Holmesdale Road Bexleyheath DA7 4TJ your continued support is much appreciated.
Each week the musicians at St James North Crayoffer links to a selection of songs and music for us to enjoy. These can be found on our website www.stjamesnorthcray.org.uk/welcome/music/
St John’s Sermons are posted each Sunday at fatheredwardbarlow.wordpress.com
Social media – engage with us via Facebook (/stjohnsbexley, Twitter (@stjohnsbexley) and Instagram (@stjohnsbexley)
Team Rector: Rev’d Canon Ren Harding renharding@hotmail.co.uk 01322 528923 07836644782
Associate Priest: Rev’d Sue Twynam setwynam@gmail.com 01322559501 07952468127
Team Vicar: Rev’d Edward Barlow fr.edwardbarlow@gmail.com 01322 521786
Team Vicar: Rev’d Clive Wood revclivewood@gmail.com 01322 270942 07982392809
Team Curate: Rev’d Matt Hodder matthodder10@gmail.com 07889873125