Meets 2nd and fourth Tuesday of each month in The Bothy at St. James Church, North Cray.


The Bothy Knit and Natter Group was started in March this year and we are so pleased to have almost 30 participants on our list.  Not everyone can make each occasion but most weeks we have over 16 people in attendance all happily knitting and nattering over a cup of tea or coffee and of course a biscuit or cake.  Already we have made so many lovely things and helped lots of people in such a short space of time. I would like to thank everyone for their support and hard work There are still things in the pipeline, but here are the things that have been finished so far::


Over 150 Christmas Angels which will be dotted around the Parish in December.

30 pairs of cannula mitts, lots of baby blankets and over 50 hats – donated to The PRUH who were very pleased with them

120 worry worms for the children starting School in September at Royal Park -  we received a lovely e-mail from them thanking us.

6 blankets for the ladies suffering in Ethiopia  - these will go out to them early in 2024

15 twiddle muffs which were taken to Baugh House in Sidcup and very gratefully received

9 hats so far - these are waiting to be sent to the Seafarers mission once some more are finished.









Everyone seems to have enjoyed their afternoons and we look forward to another happy ad productive year in 2024.


There will be no Knit and Natter on Tuesday 28th November as St James have a fundraising Bothy coffee morning the next day and we need to get the Bothy ready but there a Special Christmas Knit and Natter on Tuesday 12th December which we hope will be a fun way to start the Christmas celebrations.


I would like to thank Jenny Malster for so kindly making the teas most Tuesdays, and Sue Twynam, Anne Wright, Sue Thompson and Lynn Key for helping me keep the afternoons going when I am unable to be there.  Thank you too to St. James for allowing us to use the Bothy.


Ann Milcoy


Page last updated: Wednesday 22nd January 2025 11:11 AM
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