From our Team Rector Revd Ren -May 2019

Team Rector’s Letter                                   May 2019


Those of you who have long memories may remember that I had decided to give up “busy-ness” for Lent. So I take the opportunity now to say thank you to the many that have asked me how it has been going, and another thank you to the few who said that they were joining me in this project!


I want to report back and say that it seems to me to have been one of the most enlightening things I’ve ever tried to do.


It is my nature to like to get things done!  Sorted! Organised! Prepared! With the extra tasks that have been coming my way since the new expanded team has come into being, well the scene was clearly set for me to be running round like the proverbial ‘head-less chicken’.


But because I had announced to various church congregations and community groups that I was ‘giving up busy-ness’ - I knew that people would probably be keeping an eye on me for any signs that I was failing in my self-appointed Lenten discipline. And that was a great spur to keep to it.


Rather to my surprise, the reality was that I did feel much calmer. I developed a strategy. I tried to stop myself if I thought I was about to complain that I was just so, so busy...

I began to notice the moments that tension was building up, and take a few moments to pause and to get things into proper perspective. And I tried very hard to rest in the assurance that our God is a generous God and gives each one of us enough time for us to accomplish all the tasks he requires of us, as well as giving us time for the rest and relaxation he knows we need. If we are overly busy, it probably means we are doing things that were not God’s intention for us.


There is an increasing need in our 24/7 society to stop the busy-ness. I am very encouraged that each of the four churches in the Bexley Team offer the means by which this can be done.  St John’s, Bexley is open for people to come and sit in silence every day. St Mary’s, Bexley opens its doors each Saturday morning. St James, North Cray offers the sanctuary of their beautiful churchyard for those who wish to sit in the beauty of nature, and St Barnabas holds regular quiet days, and prayer meetings.


So this summer, let’s Pause, and let’s Pray.

Reverend Ren Harding (Team Rector)

contact me at The Vicarage, 6 Tile Kiln Lane


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