Team Rector's Letter for November 2020

Team Rector’s Letter                       November 2020


As we come to the closing months of this strangest of years, there is an especial poignancy to our ‘Season of Remembering’ as we come together for the annual Memorial Service and for the Remembrance Sunday Service.


As every year, names will be read out at both these services.  At the Memorial Service it will be the names are of those who have recently died within the parish of North Cray and from the St James’ church community. At the Remembrance Service, the names are those of the parish who have lost their lives in War.


Each of the names represents a different individual.  A person who has been born, who has developed knowledge and gifts, with hopes and aspirations, loves and fears, joys and griefs.  For each of these, their dying was also an individual moment, some in fear, trauma and violence, some in peace with those they had loved in life, and some with the presence of a health care professional who with quiet courage had determined that they would not be left alone in their final moments.


Christians believe that every person, every individual is created and loved by the God who made all things. And so, at the end of life, that unique and individual life is held within the eternal and fathomless love of God.


Whoever it is that you remember in this season, may you find God’s blessing within your remembering.


Do please feel free to ring me if you want to share your thoughts at this difficult time.  I will be praying for you.



Reverend Ren Harding (Team Rector)

contact me at Joydens Wood Vicarage,

6 Tile Kiln Lane, Joydens Wood, Bexley, DA5 2BB  


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