Services and Events for October 2019
SUNDAY 29 September
9.30am Holy Communion
Wednesday 2 October
10.30am Joint Team Communion at St John’s
12noon Gentlemen’s Lunch at The Anchor Bexley
Thursday 3 October
10am Daytime Housegroup at Joydens Wood Vicarage
Saturday 5 October
9.30am Prayer Meeting at St Barnabas
12noon Interment of Ashes at Parsonage Lane
SUNDAY 6 October
9.30am Holy Communion
Saturday 12 October
6.30pm for 7pm Harvest Social Event at St Barnabas
9.30am All Age Worship for Harvest
1.30pm Baptism
Wednesday 16 October
10am Team Communion at St Mary’s
Followed by Team Clergy Away Day
Thursday 17 October
10.00am House Communion at 53 Woodlands Park, Joydens Wood
Friday 18 October
6pm Wedding Rehearsal in Church
Saturday 19 October
4pm Wedding
SUNDAY 20 October
9.30am Holy Communion
12 for 12.30pm Team Lunch at the King’s Head Bexley. (book with Ren)
Monday 21 October
1.30pm FunMonday Holiday Club at St Barnabas
SUNDAY 29 October
9.30am Holy Communion
4.00pm Sunday @ 4 Service for all ages at St Barnabas
Wednesday 30 October
7 for 7.30pm Team Clergy and Wardens meet at Joydens Wood Vicarage
Saturday 30 November
Advent Quiet Day at St Barnabas Church
led by Judy French and Reverend Sue Twynam
Sunday 1 December
6pm Team Advent Carol Service at St John’s, Bexley