Bexley Team Ministry News for Harvest Festival






Bexley Team News


St Barnabas, Joydens Wood

St James, North Cray

St John the Evangelist, Bexley

St Mary the Virgin, Bexley


10th October 2021  Issue 82           Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity/ Harvest Thanksgiving



‘For the fruits of his creation, thanks be to God.’


St Mary’s          10.00 am Holy Communion

              3.00 pm Messy Church

St James            9.30am Harvest all age worship/ parade

St Barnabas     10.45am Harvest Parade Service

St John’s           8.00 am Holy Communion

                           10.00 am Holy Communion

                        6.00 pm Harvest evensong and harvest supper

Friday Livestreamed Service of Holy Communion: may vary


 (see St John’s social media in advance) but the

service remains available to view after broadcast


Sunday 10th October

9.00 am Harvest Zoom


Saturday 9th October

 5.30 pm Nightwatch Zoom  Service

     Children’s Church Harvest Special 

Tune in this month to see how we are celebrating harvest this year. Join us for stories, prayers and a very tricky harvest quiz!

The Collect for 19th after Trinity  O God, for as much as without you we are unable to please you; mercifully grant that your Holy Spirit may in all things direct and rule our hearts; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

Bible readings for 19th after Trinity  Amos 5. v 6-7, 10-15 Hebrews 4. v12-16 Mark 10 v17-31

The Collect for Harvest Eternal God, you crown the year with your goodness and you give us the fruits of the earth in their season: grant that we may use them to your glory, for the relief of those in need and for our own well- being;  through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit,one God, now and for ever.

Bible readings  Psalm 126     1 Timothy 6 v6-10   Matthew 6 v25-33


Considering Confirmation? A meeting for all those interested in being confirmed is being h eld on Sunday 7th November at 4.00 pm at St Barnabas Church, Joydens Wood. For further information or to indicate attendance please speak with any of the Team clergy.

                                                         Forthcoming events

Living in Love and Faith: The Bexley Team has been running the 'Living in Love and Faith' (LLF) course over  five Wednesdays in September and October. Last meeting  13th Oct at St John's Church  7.45 -9.15pm.  Everyone is very welcome. Contact or 07889873125


Friends of St Mary’s and the Grove Singers present ‘A Celebration of Birds in Song’


 Saturday 30th October at 7.00 pm. Tickets £10 including refreshments from Roger    

 and Sheila Thompson 01322 522071 or Barbara Graham 0208 308 0872 or at the

 door. Proceeds to Friends of St Mary’s.


North Cray community  Festival of Remembrance  Sunday 7th November (the weekend before Remembrance Sunday) Programme - 9.30 am BCP Holy Communion at St James. Followed by a parade from the War Memorial to the Scouts’ Geoffrey Hall, Leafield Lane, North Cray where there will be a display of stories and memorabilia.


 St John's  27th November: Douze Noels Harp Recital


                                                            Christian Stewardship

For St Barnabas Any contributions can be dropped off at the Treasurer’s house or at the Vicarage. Or you can give by BACS transfer. In all cases, if you are a taxpayer please “Gift Aid” your giving.  If you have any questions regarding this please contact, David Peters on 01322 529796 or by email

For St James, North Cray Contributions can be dropped off at 91 The Grove, or made by BACS transfer, contact Suzy Higgs on 07799072548.Please make cheques payable to St James, North Cray PCC.

For St John's   You can give to the continuing upkeep and ministry of St John's via our Just Giving page:

For St Mary’s  If you ordinarily make your financial contributions in church but, in the present circumstances, wish to contribute by cheque then please make your cheque payable to St Mary’s Bexley PCC and send it c/o C. Lee 11 Holmesdale Road, Bexleyheath, DA7 4TJ. Your continued support is very much appreciated

Each week the musicians at St James North Cray offer links to a selection of songs and music for us to enjoy. These can be found on our website

St John’s Sermons are posted each Sunday at fatheredwardbarlow.wordpress.comSocial Media - engage with us via Facebook (/stjohnsbexley), Twitter (@stjohnsbexley) and Instagram (@stjohnsbexley)



Team Rector: Rev’d Canon Ren          01322 528923 07836644782

Associate Priest: Rev’d Sue Twynam                        01322 55950                       07952 468127

Team Vicar: Rev’d Edward Barlow                01322 521786

Team Vicar: Rev’d Clive Wood                  01322 270942 07982 392809

Team Curate: Rev’d Matt Hodder                                        07889873125

Page last updated: Tuesday 17th December 2024 11:09 PM
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