Services and Events for October 2020
These times and dates may be changed in line with government guidance
Social Distancing and Hand Hygiene will be observed throughout the church buildings. Face masks MUST be worn.
SUNDAY 4 October
9.30am A Simple Communion Service
Wednesday 7 October
10.00am Bexley Team Midweek Communion (to be confirmed)
at St John’s Bexley. ALL WELCOME
Sunday 11 October
9.30am Harvest Service for all Ages
Wednesday 14 October
10.00am Bexley Team Midweek Communion (to be confirmed)
at St Mary’s Bexley. ALL WELCOME
SUNDAY 18 October
9.30am A Simple Communion Service
Wednesday 21 October
10.00am Bexley Team Midweek Communion (to be confirmed)
at St John’s Bexley. ALL WELCOME
SUNDAY 25 October
9.30am Service of the Word
4pm Sunday @ 4 family service at St Barnabas
Wednesday 28 October
10.00am Bexley Team Midweek Communion (to be confirmed)
at St Mary’s Bexley. ALL WELCOME