Although we have been physically apart, church members have stayed in touch ...

Team Rector’s Letter                                   May 2020

Public Worship Services are suspended but the Church is alive and well and living out the Christian faith looking after the frail, the elderly, and the anxious, praying, and showing all the love we can in a troubled world. Although we have been physically apart, church members have stayed in touch by email, WhatsApp and other technology, by phone calls and by post. We’ve shared ideas of things we’ve found inspiring.


I’ve been encouraged by those of you who joined our special Holy Week & Easter activity of creating a Sacred Space in their home, to become a focus of prayer and meditation. You set aside a quiet corner somewhere, a table or shelf, or somewhere outside and placed on it items that enable reflection - a candle, a cross, an open bible, fresh flowers, some stones.  Some have added written prayers or poems. You can do this activity alone, or (with suitable adjustments for the age of your children), as a family. One lady has used Lego figures as part of her Sacred Space!


I am encouraged that people have told me that you are continuing with this idea. Each day, or at set times during the day, you light your candle and spend time at your Sacred Space. Some people have used music to help them focus their thoughts. If you would like to share a photo, by WhatsApp, or email, or just ring me or someone else from church, to describe what you have done, please do that. We have also been able to upload photos to some of our websites, so do have a look at those. Let’s share our Sacred Space and connect with each other and with God.


Reverend Ren Harding (Team Rector)

contact me at Joydens Wood Vicarage,

6 Tile Kiln Lane, Joydens Wood, Bexley, DA5 2BB  

01322-528923   07836644782



Page last updated: Tuesday 28th April 2020 7:50 PM
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