Special Announcement!

The Churchwardens of St James were delighted to make the following announcement on Sunday 7th October 2018


‘The Crown and the Bishop of Rochester, in consultation with the four churches of the newly created Bexley Team, are pleased to announce that The Reverend Ren Harding, Team Vicar at Joydens Wood and North Cray, is to be appointed Team Rector of the Benefice. She will be Licensed by the Archdeacon of Bromley & Bexley at a service at St Barnabas Church on Sunday 25th November at 6pm. Ren is looking forward to leading the Bexley Team into the future. She is presently on sabbatical, but once she returns will give some early attention to the appointment of a Team Vicar.

Please hold Ren in your prayers as she prepares for her new ministry within the wider Team.’

Please be assured that Reverend Ren will be continuing in her role as Team Vicar of St James and St Barnabas, and that the position of Team Rector is in addition to her work with the two churches.

Suzy Higgs & Maxine Heath, Churchwardens

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