Two gentle songs inviting the Holy Spirit to touch us afresh this Pentecost weekend. May you all be blessed by His powerful, refreshing Spirit in your hearts and homes.
Holy Spirit Rain Down
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Two Richard Smallwood Gospel Songs: "Trust Me" and "Sow in Tears"
22nd August Music removed
Vinesong - Let Your Living Water Flow/Thank You Lord, and ALL WHO ARE THIRSTY
Chris Tomlin - Nobody Loves Me Like You
You Carried Me - John Pantry
One touch - Nicole C Mullen & You Say - Anthem Lights
Seek me - Charlie Coxill & We seek your Kingdom -Donna, Andy, Noel & Lou
My Tribute (To God be The Glory) & Give Thanks ( With A Grateful Heart )
Holy Overshadowing - Ben Trigg and Graham Kendrick - The story behind the song and Live Recording with Graham Kendrick
How Great Thou Art/Oh the Glory - Jesus Image Music