Two gentle songs inviting the Holy Spirit to touch us afresh this Pentecost weekend. May you all be blessed by His powerful, refreshing Spirit in your hearts and homes.
Holy Spirit Rain Down
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The Lord's Prayer - The Fron Male Voice Choir & A Clare Benediction - John Rutter, The Cambridge Singers
Who Can Know the Mind (I Stand in Awe) and For the beauty of the Earth - Rutter
Heavenly Light- Oslo Gospel Choir & Holy Spirit Come and Fill this Place
Lord I lift Your name on high, Jesus is King and Jesus is the Name we honour.
Casting Crowns Who am I ? and What a friend we have in Jesus
You're Alive (Led like a Lamb) - Graham Kendrick & Seek Me by Charlie Coxill.
I Know That My Redeemer Lives -Sarah Jane & Redeemer by  Nicole C. MullenÂ
Music for Sunday 18th April 2021
Easter Sunday: See, What A Morning and others from The Easter Day Service,. Plus, The Hallelujah Chorus.
All Glory, Laud and Honour and a modern choice from Paul Baloche, Praise is Rising.